For Post-docs and Students

Our lab is actively seeking highly motivated students and post-docs.

Post-docs: We are looking for highly motivated post-docs who are willing to challenge and elucidate important questions in cell division using light and electron microscopy. Please contact Dr. Suzuki via email to discuss your interests and potential projects.

Graduate and Undergraduate Students: We are seeking highly motivated graduate and undergraduate students. If you are a graduate student at UW-Madison (any program) who is interested in joining our lab, please contact Dr. Suzuki or come to our lab in McArdle. Highly motivated undergraduate students in any major are welcome, especially those students who are considering PhD or MD/PhD school. Our lab is able to offer the opportunity for students to enroll in Oncology 699-Undergraduate Research (renewable every semester and summer) for the research done in our lab. Please contact Dr. Suzuki, preferably via email, for further discussion about potential projects and position availability.