Yu-Chia got MCP (Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology) Symposium Poster Award 2024 and Cancer Biology Student&Postdoc Seminar Series Presentation Award 2024!! Congratulation.
Lab News
Congrats!! Kaelyn got Genetics & Genomics Undergraduate Distinguished Research Fellowship.
Congrats!! Ainslie got Biochemistry Undergraduate Summer Research Award.
Congrats!! Yu-Chia got Poster Award at MCP Symposium 2024.
Welcome! Jason joined as a technician
Congrats, Cheng-Guo and Yongna! Collaboration project is accepted in PNAS. Great job Yu-Chia.
Roshan Norman successfully defended his PhD Dissertation. Congrats, Dr. Norman!!
Welcome, Yu-Lin (technician) and Muhan (visiting graduate student from Chiba University).
Suzuki Lab awarded CRNA collaborative development pilot grant!!
Suzuki Lab awarded CRNA collaborative development pilot grant to study HIV-1 gRNA. We will work with Dr. Nate Sherer lab to study dynamics of HIV-1 gRNA.