Congrats, Roshan and Yu-Chia!! 3D-ExM paper is published in Journal of Cell Biology. This is a collaborative work with laboratories of Drs. Burkard at UW-Madison, now at Iowa University (Roshan, co-mentored), Takaku at UND, Sherer …
Lab News
Congrats!! Yu-Lin’s ImmunoCellCycle-ID paper is selected for “Research Highlights”
Congrats!! Yu-Lin’s ImmunoCellCycle-ID paper is selected for “Research Highlights“
Welcome Madhukar!! We are very excited to have a new member focusing on Deep Learning image analysis.
Congrats, Yu-Lin. Yu-Lin’s paper (ImmunoCellCycle-ID) is published in Journal of Cell Science.
Congrats, Yu-Lin. Yu-Lin’s paper (ImmunoCellCycle-ID) is now published in Journal of Cell Science. Yu-Chia also contributed to this paper as a co-author.
Congrats Jon, Dhaval, and Jennifer. 3D-Aligner is published in Communications Biology!!
Congrats Jon, Dhaval, and Jennifer. 3D-Aligner is published in Communications Biology!!
Congrats, Yu-Chia got MCP Symposium Poster Award and Cancer Biology Seminar Presentation Award 2024!
Yu-Chia got MCP (Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology) Symposium Poster Award 2024 and Cancer Biology Student&Postdoc Seminar Series Presentation Award 2024!! Congratulation.